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Education Sources

On general topics related to health, the healthcare system and life itself you can search through an array of articles on a great diversity of subjects. It is a treasure trove of information encouraging you to think in a different way about what you know. 

This website is dedicated to the issue of Self-Empowerment Suggestions, idea and practical information about what it means for an individual to take control over his/her own life and what is required in order for such a desire to be reality.
Here you also find video tutorials on subjects such as the history of allopathic medicine, the missing science in allopathic medicine, the true story of infectious diseases and the causes of diseases.

Your Health in your Hands by Patrick Quanten

Written in the form of questions and answers, in this
book, shrewd journalist Alcicia Ninou asks Dr Quanten
irreververent questions about life itself, in which we discover
how medical science deviated from true science many years
ago, becoming a ruthless structure at the service of the
industry, without any relation to health.


The paperback is available from book outlets - ISBN 9789082785463:

Also available as eBook - ISBN 9789082785470



Science and Spirituality as inevitable Bed Partners

 Where does life come from? - What is the purpose of life? - What is the role of the human being within the cosmos? - How does matter emerge from energy? - What are the direct links between the human energetic field, human chakras and human tissues? - What are the basic laws of life: the rules upon which the entire universe is built and on which it functions?

If new information is going to be truth, it needs to comply with everything the contemporary scientific world already knows to be true. So, the truth must have something to do with We are made from Energy and with We function Energetically. Understanding how life came about, where humans really came from and where we fit into the grand scheme of the Universe, helps to unravel the mystery of how it all functions. 

By listening to "everybody" we have tried to extract an essence that contains the pure simple truth, explaining all we observe and showing us where it comes from. And this information is available to all of you and can be grasped by all of you. Keep observing life and you will be able to verify the information presented in this book.

To be ordered online or in major bookshops, wherever you are.
                  ISBN-NUMBER : 9789082785418
E-book number: ISBN-NUMBER : 9789082785425

Awareness and Well-being Guided Journal
By Robert Ryder

The author offers you a step by step programme which will help you to become aware of your old unconscious reaction patterns that no longer serve you well. When you have the feeling your life is stuck, when you have reoccurring symptoms you don’t seem to be able to get rid of, this book is definitely for you.

He tells you, in simple language, how you can discover what the unconscious part of your life keeps repeating without your life actually benefitting from this, and he shows you how you can change this pattern into a productive behaviour. Get your life back on track, is certainly what this book will do for you, provided you are willing to do the work that is needed. It is a guide to a better health. You are the executor to build yourself a better life.

By clicking on the following link you will be redirected so you can download the book and get started.


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